Dr. Phil speaks with psychologist and licensed clinical social worker Dr. Deena Manion about how coddling the younger generation is at odds with the general teachings of psychology.
“Protecting college kids from the real world is not the way to go,” says Dr. Manion. “And it starts at that young age where we're teaching them everybody's a winner.”
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Developing Coping Mechanisms
“We're talking about a social issue and a psychological issue that I think are at odds.” Dr. Phil
“I know this is going to be controversial, and I want to hear from all of the viewers and listeners.”
“There is a different mentality in the way we are educating and preparing the current generation. I'm not sure where we define the end of one generation, the beginning of another.” Dr. Phil
“They had puppies in suites. Live puppies because students were going to be upset and needed comforting. What the hell's going on here?” Dr. Phil
“We're allowing this emotional reactivity to happen in schools and are not preparing adults to be in the real world.” Dr. Deena Manion
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The Dangers of Allowing Students To Dictate Policy
Dr. Deena Manion is a celebrated Doctor of Psychology and a licensed clinical social worker since 1993 specializing in substance abuse, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, couple counseling, family therapy and other important areas.
She has her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Ryokan College, Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work from Columbia University and Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Pace University.
She has a private practice and also works at Westwind Recovery Centers
Legitimate Traume Strategies
Articles & Books
The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (Source: https://www.thecoddling.com/)
Elite Campuses Offer Students Coloring Books, Puppies to Get Over Trump (Source: The Daily Beast)
How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus (Source: The Atlantic) The Trouble with Teaching Rape Law | The New Yorker (Source: The New Yorker)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple is an essential resource to help you grow as a person as you overcome challenges and boost your overall health and well-being.
The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You This self-help guide takes worriers step-by-step through problems in the way they think, with pointers on how to change these biases.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders, and severe mental illness. Numerous research studies suggest that CBT leads to significant improvement in functioning and quality of life. In many studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as, or more effective than, other forms of psychological therapy or psychiatric medications.
It is important to emphasize that advances in CBT have been made on the basis of both research and clinical practice. Indeed, CBT is an approach for which there is ample scientific evidence that the methods that have been developed actually produce change. In this manner, CBT differs from many other forms of psychological treatment. CBT is based on several core principles, including:
Psychological problems are based, in part, on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking.
Psychological problems are based, in part, on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior.
People suffering from psychological problems can learn better ways of coping with them, thereby relieving their symptoms and becoming more effective in their lives.
CBT treatment usually involves efforts to change thinking patterns. These strategies might include:
Learning to recognize one’s distortions in thinking that are creating problems, and then to reevaluate them in light of reality.
Gaining a better understanding of the behavior and motivation of others.
Using problem-solving skills to cope with difficult situations.
Learning to develop a greater sense of confidence in one’s own abilities.
CBT treatment also usually involves efforts to change behavioral patterns. These strategies might include:
Facing one’s fears instead of avoiding them.
Using role playing to prepare for potentially problematic interactions with others.
Learning to calm one’s mind and relax one’s body.
Not all CBT will use all of these strategies. Rather, the psychologist and patient/client work together, in a collaborative fashion, to develop an understanding of the problem and to develop a treatment strategy. CBT places an emphasis on helping individuals learn to be their own therapists. Through exercises in the session as well as “homework” exercises outside of sessions, patients/clients are helped to develop coping skills, whereby they can learn to change their own thinking, problematic emotions, and behavior. CBT therapists emphasize what is going on in the person’s current life, rather than what has led up to their difficulties. A certain amount of information about one’s history is needed, but the focus is primarily on moving forward in time to develop more effective ways of coping with life. Source: APA Div. 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)