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Voices Unbound: Decoding the Realities of Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence

Dr. Phil exposes the shocking truths about human rights violations, specifically focusing on the often misunderstood and pervasive issues of human trafficking and sexual violence. The conversation takes you on a journey from dispelling misconceptions surrounding trafficking to gaining intimate insights into the lives of victims and the insidious strategies employed by their exploiters.  The narrative weaves together the intricate tapestry of personal agency, societal responses, and the crucial role of language in both perpetuating and remedying injustices.

Join Dr. Phil and his guests, Kay Buck, Jennifer Lentz Snyder, George Mueller, Cheryl Hunter and Wendy Murphy,  as they explore the interconnectedness of these critical issues, culminating in a resounding endorsement for transparency, empathy, and truth. This episode is a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to confront and address the complexities of human trafficking and sexual violence. It's time to break the chains and build a more compassionate and just society.



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by Phillip C. McGraw, Ph.D.
In WE’VE GOT ISSUES: How You Can Stand Strong for America’s Soul and Sanity Dr. Phil employs his signature no-nonsense approach to meticulously analyze American’s cultural crisis and offers practical, empirically based, action-oriented strategies to restore our country to societal health, sanity, and power. Click Here And Join The Presale Now!


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If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation:

  • Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 1-888-373-7888: Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocates are available 24/7 to take reports of potential human trafficking.

  • Text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733. Message and data rates may apply.

  • Chat the National Human Trafficking Hotline via

  • Submit a tip online through the anonymous online reporting form below. However, please note that if the situation is urgent or occurred within the last 24 hours we would encourage you to call, text or chat.

  • Interpreters are available via phone call only.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Human trafficking occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will. Force, fraud, or coercion need not be present if the individual engaging in commercial sex is under 18 years of age.

“What is Human Trafficking?” 

Force, Fraud, or Coercion

U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor or services against his or her will. The one exception involves minors and commercial sex. Inducing a minor into commercial sex is considered human trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or coercion.

Traffickers might use the following methods to lure victims into trafficking situations:

  • Violence

  • Manipulation

  • False promises of well-paying jobs

  • Romantic relationships 

Language barriers, fear of their traffickers, and/or fear of law enforcement frequently keep victims from seeking help, making human trafficking a hidden crime.

Traffickers look for people who are easy targets for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Psychological or emotional vulnerability

  • Economic hardship

  • Lack of a social safety net

  • Natural disasters

  • Political instability

Recognizing key indicators of human trafficking is the first step in identifying victims and can help save a life.

Indicator Card

Indicator Card 2

Types of Human Trafficking

Voices Unbound: Decoding the Realities of Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence

Kay Buck, Chief Executive Officer, The Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) is a Los Angeles–based nonprofit organization that is working to put an end to modern slavery and human trafficking through comprehensive, life-transforming services to survivors and a platform to advocate for groundbreaking policies and legislation. Over the past two decades, CAST has supported thousands of survivors through every phase of their journey to freedom from counseling, to legal resources, to housing, educational and leadership training and mentorship. Through these programs, CAST has helped empower survivors to overcome their traumatic pasts and become leading voices in shaping policy and public awareness to ultimately put an end to the fastest growing criminal enterprise of the 21st century.

Jennifer Lentz Snyder is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office. She has successfully prosecuted scores of criminal cases, including dozens of gang-related homicides and public corruption crimes. Her collaboration with a joint FBI-LAPD task force resulted in the dissolution of the 89 Family Bloods, a notorious street gang with a penchant for killing witnesses. Her experiences caused Snyder to assist in the development of legislation enacted as the California Witness Protection Program, and she litigated the case of People v. Alvarado, resulting in a California Supreme Court case that approved the non-disclosure, until trial, of witness identities where the safety of the witness is in jeopardy. Currently, she is a subject matter expert in public corruption crimes, the White Collar Crimes enhancement, and the Brown Act (California's Open Meeting Laws). As an instructor for law enforcement personnel, lawyers and the community on Witness Issues, Public Corruption, and Asset Forfeiture, her experience and insights provide valuable training to the community and demonstrate her heartfelt commitment to the cause of criminal justice.

Deputy Commissioner George Mueller joined the California Department of Insurance in 2015. George oversees the Enforcement Branch, which is responsible for the Department's law enforcement and investigative functions and consists of over 400 professionals, including over 200 sworn peace officers who investigate various forms of insurance fraud committed by consumers and insurance agents. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Anti-Fraud Alliance and the Past-President of the California District Attorney Investigators' Association. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Peace Officers' Association of Los Angeles County, the Southern California Fraud Investigators' Association, and the John Thomas Dye School.

Model and motivational speaker Cheryl Hunter says that at age 18 she took the trip of a lifetime to France, but on the day she arrived, she was lured, abducted, drugged and raped by a group of men; a wise woman in Japan changes Cheryl's life. Cheryl helps people with triumphant stories get their message out to the world through major media. Her clients appear on national TV, radio, magazines, newspapers and on stage. She personally cracked the code on how to craft a compelling message that is like candy to big media…then successfully applied her findings to her own career. Doing so enables her to continually provide expert commentary for news sources including Dr. Oz, NBC News, Fox, PBS, Forbes Magazine, Inc., Entrepreneur, and many more; deliver four TED talks, and publish two bestselling books.

After witnessing horrific, systemic discrimination against child abuse and sex crime victims as a prosecutor, Wendy Murphy opened a pro bono service to help such victims get the justice they deserve. With over fifteen years as a professor of violent sex crime law, Wendy Murphy is a leading expert on the flaws in our system of justice and the needed corrections required to ensure our legal system lives up to our ideals.

Recognizing The Signs

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